Friday, October 26, 2007


International chess champion Anand was received with jubliations in Chennai.
He was congratulated by the Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi.
Very good.
He was facilated in a function and he was granted with purse of Rs. 25 Lakhs.
WHAT...What is happening?

Why Mr. Anand was givne some money??
Was he really poor? Does he have any urgent need for such huge some?

This is basically a pure waste of our scare resources.
How many people in Madras or in Tamil nadu are in desparate situations?

Anand is quite well off. In fact, he leads a life of luxury in a fantastic place like Spain. He has a huge beach villa. Why he need this money?
Atleast he should have some decency to declain the offer.

As usual our Medias fell silent about this. Once again it is proved that they don't speak up the truth or they don't think for the welfare of the poor and downtrodden.
They just report. They are not the opinion makers. They are not the fourth Estate of the nation. Shame on them.

By the by, who's money this is any way? This is not coming out Mr. Muthuvel Kaurnanidhi's deep pocket.
This is coming out of our Tax money.

15 people died in coimbatore because their "Slum clerance board" flats
collapsed due to bad or no maintanance. Reason, Government pleads lack of resources. View the above two news in perspective.
I leave this to your judgement.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

One year ! - Hooray!

My blog has completed one year!
Hooray!...I can celebrate. But I am not very happy.
I am able to keep this going. But how many people visited. I don't know.
May be they just came and read the articles. But they did not leave their foot prints.

I think that I should put this in a web site. So that it attracts more viewing.
After one year, what did I achieve. I am not sure.

May be I have succeeded in putting thoughts in black and white. That is one of the things.
Another thing is that it helped me to think in a focused manner. My thoughts are not wandering much nowadays.

The funniest thing is I get many good ideas when I am in the bathroom, either during my shaving ritual or during my shower time. By the time I come out, I am driven to other
most urgent things of the day, and when I sit down before the computer later in the day, I completely forgot about the great ideas I had in the morning.

This happened many time.
So there fore I should put a stop to this nonsense.

I have started using this blog like dairy, which is not very good.
I wish to use this blog as a platform where I can put forward more quality thinking.
No more mundane stuff.
OK. Let me try..
see ya!
17/10/2007 - 23.24