International chess champion Anand was received with jubliations in Chennai.
He was congratulated by the Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi.
Very good.
He was facilated in a function and he was granted with purse of Rs. 25 Lakhs.
WHAT...What is happening?
Why Mr. Anand was givne some money??
Was he really poor? Does he have any urgent need for such huge some?
This is basically a pure waste of our scare resources.
How many people in Madras or in Tamil nadu are in desparate situations?
Anand is quite well off. In fact, he leads a life of luxury in a fantastic place like Spain. He has a huge beach villa. Why he need this money?
Atleast he should have some decency to declain the offer.
As usual our Medias fell silent about this. Once again it is proved that they don't speak up the truth or they don't think for the welfare of the poor and downtrodden.
They just report. They are not the opinion makers. They are not the fourth Estate of the nation. Shame on them.
By the by, who's money this is any way? This is not coming out Mr. Muthuvel Kaurnanidhi's deep pocket.
This is coming out of our Tax money.
15 people died in coimbatore because their "Slum clerance board" flats
collapsed due to bad or no maintanance. Reason, Government pleads lack of resources. View the above two news in perspective.
I leave this to your judgement.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
One year ! - Hooray!
My blog has completed one year!
Hooray!...I can celebrate. But I am not very happy.
I am able to keep this going. But how many people visited. I don't know.
May be they just came and read the articles. But they did not leave their foot prints.
I think that I should put this in a web site. So that it attracts more viewing.
After one year, what did I achieve. I am not sure.
May be I have succeeded in putting thoughts in black and white. That is one of the things.
Another thing is that it helped me to think in a focused manner. My thoughts are not wandering much nowadays.
The funniest thing is I get many good ideas when I am in the bathroom, either during my shaving ritual or during my shower time. By the time I come out, I am driven to other
most urgent things of the day, and when I sit down before the computer later in the day, I completely forgot about the great ideas I had in the morning.
This happened many time.
So there fore I should put a stop to this nonsense.
I have started using this blog like dairy, which is not very good.
I wish to use this blog as a platform where I can put forward more quality thinking.
No more mundane stuff.
OK. Let me try..
see ya!
17/10/2007 - 23.24
Hooray!...I can celebrate. But I am not very happy.
I am able to keep this going. But how many people visited. I don't know.
May be they just came and read the articles. But they did not leave their foot prints.
I think that I should put this in a web site. So that it attracts more viewing.
After one year, what did I achieve. I am not sure.
May be I have succeeded in putting thoughts in black and white. That is one of the things.
Another thing is that it helped me to think in a focused manner. My thoughts are not wandering much nowadays.
The funniest thing is I get many good ideas when I am in the bathroom, either during my shaving ritual or during my shower time. By the time I come out, I am driven to other
most urgent things of the day, and when I sit down before the computer later in the day, I completely forgot about the great ideas I had in the morning.
This happened many time.
So there fore I should put a stop to this nonsense.
I have started using this blog like dairy, which is not very good.
I wish to use this blog as a platform where I can put forward more quality thinking.
No more mundane stuff.
OK. Let me try..
see ya!
17/10/2007 - 23.24
Friday, August 17, 2007
Please read:-
Yes..India is improving. Steadily but surely with all the difficulties.
In fact, many countries have fallen to a negative trap and either disintegrated or disintegrating when confronted with similar obstructions.
Let us see some figures:
How many heavy industries were there before independence?. NONE.
Now around more than 1500 heavy industries pulling the Indian economy to the road of prosperity.
How many automobiles were made by India before independence?. None.
Now India is the Asia’s largest auto maker.
How much oil was produced in India before 1947: none.
How much oil is produce in India - Almost equalling to OMAN’s production..
What was the literacy before independence - 16%
What is the literacy rate now: - 65%
What was the life expectancy of an Indian before 1947?- 32 years.
What was the life expectancy of an indian Now? - 65 years.
How many people were below poverty line before 1947:- 85% (Yes..Staggering)
(Wealth was in the hands of very very few)
How many people are below poverty line now: 35%.
How much pharmaceutical products were produced by India? - NONE.
Now India is second largest exporter of base pharmaceutical products.
More figures:
We are the second largest food producing country in the world.
We are in largest Rice producing country in the world.
We have the largest postal network in the world.
We have the largest Railway network in the world.
(Of course, both the postal and railway network were given by British, but we maintained it and expanded it)
Indian Railway is the single largest employer in the world, employing some 1.7 million people.
India has the second largest army in the world.
80% of the defence products are made with in the country, which is quite an achievement. Because, before independence, the indigenous defence production is a big 0.
India is the fourth country in the world to launch its own satellite on the sky.
India has some 14 atomic reactors which caters to the energy needs of the vast country.
India is the third country in the world to design, develop and produce its first super computer.
India has some 100 companies, which is featuring in fortune 500 list.
Indian Tea company is the largest in the world.
Indian Steel tycoon Laxmi Mittal heads the world largest steel group.
India has some three billionaires in the top 20 list.
India is second largest direct investor in London in 2006, next only to USA.
The list is endless.
However, there are some failings as well:
Indian population has grown three times in the last 60 years.
(This may be biggest reason for many ills)
Poverty is still the largest menace to tackle. Some 35% of the population. I.e. 300 million (The size of the USA’s Population) still below poverty line.
Country’s infrastructure needs to be improved in a major way. Of course, in the recent years we are seeing this happening. Example – Many national highways projects like Golden quadrangle Road project.
Literacy rate needs to be improved.
Unemployment / under employment is very high which need attention.
Big improvement is needed in the Health for all policy.
Water resources should be harnessed and plan should implemented for its better utilisation.
So the list goes on.
But these are challenges, which India will over come.
The reason for this optimism is, when you compare the history of the many nations, no country of this size has achieved so much in so short period.
It is easy to do miracles in countries like Singapore, which is just 21 miles long.
India’s size is legendry.
So we can summarise that INDIA ROCKS…
Please read:-
Yes..India is improving. Steadily but surely with all the difficulties.
In fact, many countries have fallen to a negative trap and either disintegrated or disintegrating when confronted with similar obstructions.
Let us see some figures:
How many heavy industries were there before independence?. NONE.
Now around more than 1500 heavy industries pulling the Indian economy to the road of prosperity.
How many automobiles were made by India before independence?. None.
Now India is the Asia’s largest auto maker.
How much oil was produced in India before 1947: none.
How much oil is produce in India - Almost equalling to OMAN’s production..
What was the literacy before independence - 16%
What is the literacy rate now: - 65%
What was the life expectancy of an Indian before 1947?- 32 years.
What was the life expectancy of an indian Now? - 65 years.
How many people were below poverty line before 1947:- 85% (Yes..Staggering)
(Wealth was in the hands of very very few)
How many people are below poverty line now: 35%.
How much pharmaceutical products were produced by India? - NONE.
Now India is second largest exporter of base pharmaceutical products.
More figures:
We are the second largest food producing country in the world.
We are in largest Rice producing country in the world.
We have the largest postal network in the world.
We have the largest Railway network in the world.
(Of course, both the postal and railway network were given by British, but we maintained it and expanded it)
Indian Railway is the single largest employer in the world, employing some 1.7 million people.
India has the second largest army in the world.
80% of the defence products are made with in the country, which is quite an achievement. Because, before independence, the indigenous defence production is a big 0.
India is the fourth country in the world to launch its own satellite on the sky.
India has some 14 atomic reactors which caters to the energy needs of the vast country.
India is the third country in the world to design, develop and produce its first super computer.
India has some 100 companies, which is featuring in fortune 500 list.
Indian Tea company is the largest in the world.
Indian Steel tycoon Laxmi Mittal heads the world largest steel group.
India has some three billionaires in the top 20 list.
India is second largest direct investor in London in 2006, next only to USA.
The list is endless.
However, there are some failings as well:
Indian population has grown three times in the last 60 years.
(This may be biggest reason for many ills)
Poverty is still the largest menace to tackle. Some 35% of the population. I.e. 300 million (The size of the USA’s Population) still below poverty line.
Country’s infrastructure needs to be improved in a major way. Of course, in the recent years we are seeing this happening. Example – Many national highways projects like Golden quadrangle Road project.
Literacy rate needs to be improved.
Unemployment / under employment is very high which need attention.
Big improvement is needed in the Health for all policy.
Water resources should be harnessed and plan should implemented for its better utilisation.
So the list goes on.
But these are challenges, which India will over come.
The reason for this optimism is, when you compare the history of the many nations, no country of this size has achieved so much in so short period.
It is easy to do miracles in countries like Singapore, which is just 21 miles long.
India’s size is legendry.
So we can summarise that INDIA ROCKS…
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
தொடரும் பரிதாபம்.!!!
திராவிட முன்னேற்றக்கழகமா...அல்லது கருணாநிதி குடும்ப முன்னேற்றக் கழகமா..
என்ன கொடுமைய்யா இது..
கனிமொழியின் தற்போதய புது அவதாரத்தை தான் சொல்கிறேன்.
ஜனநாயகத்தின் பேரால் நடக்கும் ஜனநாயகத்தின் படுகொலை இது.
இவ்வளவு பெரிய கழகத்தில் கனிமொழி மட்டும் தான் ராஜ்ஜயசபா (மாநிலங்கள் அவை) உறுப்பினராவதற்கு தகுதியானவரா?
வேறு யாரும் இல்லையா?
காலம் காலமாக கட்சியில் உழைத்துக் கொண்டு இருப்பவர்களெல்லாம் பைத்தியகார்களா?
கலைஞ்ர் குடும்பத்தினர் மட்டும் நேற்று வந்து இன்று உறுப்பினராகி இன்றே M.P ஆகிவிடுகிறார்கள்.
மாறன் குடும்ப்ம் செயத துரோகத்திற்கு கழகம் விலை கொடுதால் பரவாயில்லை. காரணம் தயாநிதியை தூக்கிப் பிடித்தற்க்கு தண்டனை எனக்கூறலாம். ஆனால் தமிழகம் ஏன் அனுபவிக்க வேண்டும்.
வரும்போதே இந்த அம்மாவின் குணம் தெளிவாகத்தெறிகிறது.
ஓரு உதாரணம்.
தொலைக்காட்சியில் நேரடியாக உலகமே கண்ட அராஜகத்தை அதே ஊடகத்தில் வந்து மறுத்தலிப்பதும் பின் கொஞ்ம் கூட லஜ்ஜையில்லாமல் நேராக பார்த்து நடந்த "அசம்பாவித்துக்கும்" (மிகவும் எளிதாக எடுத்துக் கொண்டுள்ளார்!!!) இவரது பாச அண்ணனுக்கும் சம்பந்தமில்லை என அடித்துக் கூறுவதும் இவரது குணத்தை காட்டுகிறது.
நடந்த அராஜகம் இவரது அண்ணனுக்காக நடக்காவிட்டால் ஜார்ஜ் புஷ்க்காக நடந்ததா?
குமுதம் இணையதள பேட்டியில் பேசும்போது நடந்த சமபங்களுக்கு, இழந்த உயிரகளுக்காக வார்த்தையில் கூட வருத்தத்தை தெரிவிக்க மறுக்கிறார்.
தாங்கள் காரணமில்லை என்பதை கூறுவதிலேயே முனைப்பாக இருந்தார்.
சன் டிவியில் அழகிரியைப்பற்றி சொன்ன செய்திகள் தன் தந்தைக்கு மிகவும் மன உளைச்சலை ஏற்படுத்தியது என திரும்ப திரும்ப உருகும் கனிமொழி மதுரையில் உயிரிழந்தோர் குடும்பத்தைப் பற்றி கடுகளவும் வருந்தவில்லை.
கேட்டால் தான் ஏற்கனவே அதைப்பற்றி பலதடவை சொல்லியாயிற்று என்கிறார். ஏன் கருணாநிதியின் மன உளைச்சலலைப் பற்றி திரும்ப திரும்ப கூறவில்லையா?
வினோதமான சாமாளிப்புகள்.
பரவாயில்லை......ராஜிவ்காந்தி கொலைக்கே "அது ஒரு துன்ப இயல் - வரலாற்று பிழை" என்று கூறுபவர்களை ஆதரிப்பவர்தானே.?
அவரது பேச்சிலோ சொல்லிலோ கொஞ்ம்கூட கருணையும் இல்லை..கனிவும் இல்லை..
என்னுடைய அனுபத்தில் சொல்கிறேன். இவர் மற்ற அனைவரை விட மோசமான சர்வாதிகார நபராக இருப்பார்.
நல்ல வேளை இன்னும் தமிழகத்தில் தேர்தல் என்று ஒன்று நடத்தப்படுகிறது. இல்லையென்றால் இவர்களெல்லாம் நியமனத்திலேயே மந்திரியாக முதல்வராக வந்து நம்மை படாதபாடு படுத்துவார்கள்.
இதுபோல் எல்லா கட்சிகளும் தொடர்வதால் ஜனநாயகம் முற்றிலிம் அழியும் நாள் அதிக தூரத்தில்லை.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
தன் வினை தன்னை சுடும்.
இன்று உள்ள தமிழக அரசியல் சூழ்நிலையில் இது யாரைப்பற்றிய விமர்சனம் என்பது சொல்லித் தெரிய வேண்டியதில்லை..
The Title of this article suits both Mr. M.Karunanithi and Mr. Dayanithi Maran.
The World is round..You know what I mean.
Once again History repeats.
It was Mr. M.Karunanithi who has started this culture of intolerance, especially in Politics, in his early days of political life.
He might not have forgotten what he has done to "The Kumudam". He instigated and later went on to justify the similar attacks on "Kumudam" when it published some articles which he did not like it.
Kumudam learned its lesson and later never crossed line with him.
Mr. M.Karunanithi is famous for attacking people who criticised him or his friends.
He will only preach tolarence when the matter is not concerns him.
We can quote so many incidents like the Police excess in Clive Hostel in Trichy.
Just because he has become old, it does not mean that he is a changed man. In fact, now it suits him more to do such things and still get away with it. If needed, he will do it again and again.
The only difference is that he is now a very senior politician (Just by Age!) and now he is QUALIFIED to PREACH anything. He assumes that people of Tamilnadu have very little memory and it is true as well.
He also assumes that nobody will bother looking back the history Which was deliberately hidden or twisted by our so called ‘Socially Conscience’ Media and ‘ORIGINAL TAMIL’ intellectuals with selective Amnesia!.
What was he doing when the very same Kalanidhi Maran published and broadcasted very degrading and biased news about others? He did not condemn them. He even went on to praise them for their excellent work and rewarded the Maran family with much goodies.
Why now?
Because as I said earlier, the Maran family after tasting the blood by attacking and maligning the political opponents of DMK, has started attacking his own Son.
When the whole world new that it was Mr. Azhagiri who instigated this attack, Mr. Karunanidhi still hides his head sand and orders CBI enquiry.
தவறுக்கு மேல் தவறு செய்கிறார் திரு. கருணாநிதி.
இப்போது அழகிரியை மன்னிப்பதினால் அழகிரி மற்றும் அவரை சார்ந்த அதிகாரிகள் மேலும் தவறு செய்ய துணிவார்கள்.
He has a golden chance now to redeem his lost credibility.
அவர் அடிக்கடி நினைவுகூறும் இலக்கியத்திலிருந்தே ஓரு உதாரணம் சொல்வோம்.
மகனென்று பாராமல், பசுக் கன்றை கொன்ற காரணத்தால் தன் மகனை அதே தேர்க்காலிட்டு
கொன்று ஒரு பசுவுக்கு நீதி வழங்கிய மனூநீதி சோழன் ஆண்ட சோழநாட்டிலிருந்து வந்த திரு.கருணாநிதி இப்பொழது அழகிரி மீது உடன் நடவடிக்கை எடுப்பதன் மூலம் தான் முன் செய்த தவறுகளினால் இழந்த பெயரை மீட்கமுடியும்..
அவரது சரித்திரத்தை திரும்பி பார்க்கும் போது மாட்டார் என்றே தோன்றுகிறது..
மற்றபடி இது ஒரு பங்காளி சண்டையே...
அநியாயமாக மூன்று பேர் உயிரிழந்தது சோகம். இப்படி நடக்குமென்று அழகிரிகூட நினைத்திருக்கமாட்டார். இந்த மூன்று பேர் இறப்பை அவர் விரும்பியிருக்கமாட்டார்.
அவர் நல்லவர் என்று கருதி இதை கூறவில்லை..
உண்மையான காரணம்!
அதனால் அவருக்கு லாபமில்லையே? அவரது குறி மாறன் குடும்பம் மட்டுமே..
உண்மையில் இந்த சோகத்தால் அவருக்கு நஷ்டம்தான் அதிகம்.
தமிழ் சினிமாக்களில் வருவதைப் போல் வில்லன்கள் தங்களுக்குள் அடித்துக் கொண்டு வீழ்கிறாரகள்.
மாறன் குடும்பம் ஒருவழியாக ஓரம் கட்டப்பட்டது..
அதுதான் இந்த சண்டையில் விளைந்த ஒரே நண்மை...
எனவே வாழக ஜனநாயகம் என்று சொல்லி அனைவரும் அவரவர் வேலைய பாக்க போங்கப்பா..
ரவி / 17-05-07
படங்கள்: நன்றி..விகடன் குழுமம்.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
நமது இந்தியாவில்
இருப்பது மக்களாட்சியா...இல்லை என்றே தோன்றூகிறது..
இன்று நாட்டில் நடக்கும் அநியாங்களை பார்த்து இதை கூறவில்லை..
பொதுவாக நம்நாட்டில் இப்போது உள்ள கட்சி நிலவரங்களை பார்த்துதான் இப்படி தோன்றுகிறது.
அநியாயங்கள் எல்லாவித ஆட்சியிலும் இருந்துவந்திருக்கிறது.
ஆனால் அது நடக்கும் முறைதான் மாறியிருக்கிறது.
எனவே அதைப்பற்றி இப்போது விமர்சிப்பதை தவிர்ப்போம்.
நிகழ்கால அரசியிலில் உள்ள பம்மாத்துகளை நினைத்தால்தான் மிகவும் வேதனையாக உள்ளது.
மக்களாட்ச்சி என்கிறார்கள்.
ஆனால் சுதந்திரத்திற்க்குப் பிறகு ஒவ்வொரு கட்சி தலவரும் தங்கள் வாரிசுகளுக்கு முடிசூட்டவே முனைந்திருக்கிறார்கள்.. அதில் பெருமளவு வெற்றியும் கண்டுள்ளார்கள்.
இந்த நல்ல காரியத்தை முதலில் தொடங்கி வைத்தப் புண்ணியம் நமது பாரம்பரியமிக்க, ஜனநாயகத்திற்காக போரடிய காங்கிரசுக்கு உரியது.
என்ன விந்தையான நிலை!!!
நேரு...--- இந்திரா -- ராஜீவ்..--- சோனியா---ராகுல்...(முடிந்த்தால் பிரியங்கா)..
இதன் இன்னோரு பக்க கிளை.. சஞ்சய்...மேனகா... வருண்...(இவரது வாரிசின் பெயர் இன்னும் பிரபலமாக வில்லை).
கம்யுனிஸ்டு மற்றும் பா.ஜ.காவை தவிர அனத்து கட்சியினரும் மேற்ப்படி வழியினை மாறது தொடர்கின்றனர்.
இந்த அநியாயம் எல்லா மாநிலத்திலும் நடக்கிறது.
இன்னும் ஒருபடி மேலே போய் சில கட்சித் தலைவர்கள் தங்கள் மாநிலத்தை தங்கள் வாரிசுகளுக்காக அரசியலமைப்பிற்கு வெளியே பிரித்துக் கொடுத்துள்ளனர்.
உதாரணம்: தமிழகம்...
கலைஞர் மதுரைக்கு தெற்கே தன் மகன் அழகிரியை பட்டம் சூட்டாத இளவரசாக இயங்கவிட்டுள்ளார். மதுரைக்கு வடக்கே இருக்கவே இருக்கிறார்..நமது தளபதி..(Prince in Waiting!!).. அரசு இயந்திரம் இதற்கு துணை போவது மிகவும் கேவலம்.. இது தவிர வளர்ந்து வரும் வாரிசு கனிமொழிக்கு என்ன தருவாரோ?
இவர்கள் எல்லாம் ஒரு சிற்றரசர்கள் போலவே நடந்துகொள்கிறார்கள்..மாதாமாதம் கட்சிக்கு நிதி (முந்தையகாலத்து கப்பம்!!) திரட்டுவதிலிருந்து..தலைவர் வந்தால் நடத்தப்படும் விழா வரையில் எல்லாமே மன்னராட்ச்சி போலவே உள்ளது. அதுவும் மேடையில் அணிஅணியாக வந்து காலில் விழுவதை காணும் போது முந்தைய காலகட்டத்தில் பேர்ரசரை சிற்றரசர்கள் எப்படி வரவேற்றிருப்பார்கள் என்று தெளிவாகிறது. உதாரணம்: இங்கிலாந்து மன்னர் ஜார்ஜ இந்தியா வந்தபோது எடுக்கப்பட்ட ஆவணப்படம்...
இந்த அவலம் தென்மாநிலங்களில் மட்டுமின்றி வடமாநிலத்திலும் பரவாலாக உள்ளது.
ஏன் இந்த நிலை. ?
படித்தவரும் இதற்க்கு துணைபோவதேன்..?
அதிமுக...கேட்கவே வேண்டாம்..சசிகலா..மற்றும் உறவினர்கள்...
ப.ம.க... ராமதாஸ்...அன்புமணி...மற்றும்..உறவினர்கள்..
ஆந்திராவில்.. ராமாராவுக்கு பிறகு அவர் மருமகன்..
கர்நாடகாவில்..தேவகவுடா மகன் குமாரசாமி..பங்காரப்பாவிற்கு பிறகு அவர் மகன்.
கேரளாவில்..அந்தோணிக்கு பிறகு மகன் மற்றும் மருமகள்...
மத்தியப் பிரதேசத்தில் கேட்கவே வேண்டாம்..சிந்தியா குடும்பத்தினர்.மற்றும் அர்ஜூண் சிங் குடும்பத்தினர்.
பிகாரில் நமது லல்லு குடும்பத்தினர்..
மகாரஷ்ஷிடரத்தில்..பால்தாக்கரேயின் குடும்பம்..மற்றும் இப்போது வளர்ந்து வரும் சரத்பவார் வாரிசுகள்
ஜம்மு கஷ்மிரில் முப்திமுகமது குடும்பத்தினர்..
என்ன அநியாம் இது.
மேலும் இந்த அவலம் இப்போது நியாயப்படுத்தப்பட்டுவிட்டது.
எந்த ஜனநாயக்கத்திற்க்கு இது எதிரானதோ..அந்த ஜனநாயக்கதின் பேரிலேயே இந்த வாரிசுமுறை நடத்தப்படுவது இன்னும் கொடுமை.
இது மிகவும் தவறு.
இது ஜனநாயக்கத்தின் அஸ்திவாரத்திற்க்கே வைக்கப்பட்ட வெடி..இதுபோன்ற முறை தவறிய வழியில்தான் அனைத்து சர்வாதிகாரர்களும் அரங்கேறுகிறார்கள்..இதறகு உலகச்சரித்திரத்தில் அனேக உதாரணங்கள் உண்டு.
இந்தியாவின் 120 கோடி மக்களில் ஒரு 100 குடும்பத்தினரை தவிர மற்றவரகளுக்கு அட்சி செய்ய உரிமை இல்லையா..
அப்படியென்றால் இந்த அரசியலமைப்பின் பெயர் என்ன?
இந்த இந்திய நாட்டு மக்களின் அறிவு மற்றும் தன்மானம் கேள்விக்குறியாதாகிறது.
இப்போதும் காலம் கடக்கவில்லை..
வாரிசுகளின் கட்சிகளை நிராகரியிங்கள்..
உண்மையான ஜனநாயகம் மற்றும் உடகட்சி ஜனநாயகம் இருக்கும் கட்சியினை ஆதரியிங்கள்..
இப்பொழுது இதை செய்ய மறுத்தால் அல்லது மறந்தால் எதிர்காலம் நம்மை மோசமாக தண்டிக்கும்.
This is an observation!
How a very ordinary people make it very big in their life.
Even though it happens almost every where and every day, it still evokes a kind of surprise when you actually meet that person concerned.
Two weeks back I was in my branch working very hard.
Suddenly I saw a group of photographers outside our branch focusing on the entrance of our branch. It was bit weird and very surreal. These kind of paparazzies we see only in movies or
in TV. But to see them in action right in front of you is very much new to me.
The whole village (My branch is in a very small village in Cotswold-UK!) is also bit confused
as I was and would want to know what is all about.
Then I came to know that the famous model Kate Moss is shopping in our branch, which is a bit of surprising shock to me. Because, I did not see any attractive lady pass by me.
So where is she?
Then I saw a small figure with a shopping basket approaching the counter. She was dressed in a very ordinary jeans and a worn-out sand colour artificial fur coat.
She was wearing a unclean wellington Boots (Pink colour).
Very unimpressive dress.
She did not impresses us at all. In-fact, many of the customers didn't notice her at all.
Actually her assistant was more attractive with a big bubbly smile. She was also wearing a colourful Mexican style tops which is made of thick blanket.
It suited her and the weather.
But Kate Moss.... Sorry.!
She looks very small and ordinary.
She might have passed me, but I would not have given her a second look.
But when she went out through our door the flash lights started hitting her like bullets...
The entire market square has come to a halt. Because there were so many camera persons
with their various vehicles parked in every possible position blocking every traffic.
It is strange.
Kate Moss then hurried to her vehicle (Jeep-Cherokee) and fled away, quickly followed by
the papparizes like a hunting packs.
The whole commotion lasted about 10 seconds.
After wards, this tiny village went back to its traditional silence.
Last week, in the mid afternoon, I saw a young man suddenly appearing before my counter asking for some cigarette papers. I thought that I have seen this man.
Then I remembered. It is Pete Doharty, boy friend of Kate Moss.
Within second Kate Moss was there with him and they started offloading their purchase for billing.
I asked her "How are You"?
She said, she is fine and asked me how I am. It is just a greeting.
In a very close quarters I saw this girl again.
She is not only small figure but also very thin. She has high cheekbones. But very fiery eyes.
She paid and walked away. This time no paparazzi.
But I could not believe that this small person is worth more than $100 millions and last year alone she earned around $ 15 millions. She does not own any big industry.
The fact is that SHE is the product.
She looks very ordinary and as I said before she will not attract second look on the streets.
But she makes great in front of the camera. She becomes kind of Super Star in the modelling and creates a larger than life image.
How people like her are able to do it?
I was told that even Tom Cruise is also very small built. I don't know.
But I have seen the Great MGR in close quarters when he was in peak condition.
He is small but he had that magical colour and beautiful smile. No body can ignore him any crowd. He is different.
Back to Kate Moss.....How did she do it?
It must be their courage, self confidence and above all the determination to succeed.
I have seen more beautiful and more wonderful girls in England and in other parts of the world.
But it is Kate Moss who has made it to the Super Model grade.
The moral of the story is No matter how bad you look. If you are determined to succeed in
your chosen field, even if it is in Modelling (Which is based on looks!) YOU CAN MAKE IT.
Friday, January 19, 2007
This is a different kind of beast!
This is a ignorant, arrogant and very selfish beast!
Jade Goody! what a name... She should be Jade 'Baddie'.
Yes! We are talking about her only.
She is not famous for anything other than being in the BB house previously.
She is notoriously famous for being thick head.
Even though being English, she showed her knowledge of England by saying
East Anglia is a foreign place. (It is a part of Britain).
Of course, she is famous for baring her boobs in front of the camera when she was
completely drunk and washed out.
Typical to the UK media, she became a celebrity by winning the BB house some 4 years ago.
She went on to make some money with this status.
But she did not change. No money can change some people's in-born qualities.
To understand why she is like that we should see and hear (God help those who hear her!) her mother.
Jade and Jackie are the two misfits of UK who were popular for their vulgar and stupidity.
Therefore their actions didn't come as surprise.
The opposit picture shows the
The Three bullies
From Left, Danialle, next the
Big Mouth Jade Goody
and the last with a cap is the
Insticator Jo (Flop Singer!).
Now let us know about our queen Miss.Shilpa.
Why did she come here?
To promote Indian culture?...what a joke!
She was very handsomely paid, that is why she is here.
Many time during the show, she was claiming that she is representing India.
Why she says that? Is she genuinely believes that or is she pretending?
Why she says that? Is she genuinely believes that or is she pretending?
has she been led to believe that she is representing India?
Let us make one thing clear. She is not representing India. That is for sure.
Because, no self respecting Indian will participate in this utterly useless, vulgar show.
Because, it is not in our culture to expose ourselves to viewing voyeuristic public 24 hours a day.
We do have our honour and self respect and self discipline.
WE ARE NOT ANIMALS. We don't subject ourselves to this kind of show for any amount of money. In our country even our prostitutes will not accept to be photographed during their duties. Even they have some dignity
The strange thing is even in the most 'liberated' UK, the top "A" rated celebrities will not even think in their dreams, of participating in this show. Then why the so called queen of India should come all the way from Bombay-Mumbai?
The appearance fees must have been very tidy and lucrative.
She is well travelled and she must have got more friends here and she should have done her
home work.
She should have checked about the shows' rating and its class.
Without doing all these things, she has just landed herselves in a mess.
Now not only she pays for her folly, the whole nonsense has gone out of control.
The joke is today, she has released a statement saying that she doesn't think that Jade is a Racist.
You poor silly girl, you have not heard what she and other misfits has been saying about you in your absence.
Shilpa will be shocked to hear about all these things when she comes out and promptly she will retract her statement about racism.
As far as Jade is concerned life goes on. After all she is a trash. what worst can happen to this
stupid girl which has not happened before.
May be she will loose heavily on the monitory side which she earned or dreaming of earning.
Never mind. She deserves that.
Well...With that mouth, she does not need anything.
Now the sponsors have moved away from show.
Let us see how this show goes on.
Catch you later!
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