My blog has completed one year!
Hooray!...I can celebrate. But I am not very happy.
I am able to keep this going. But how many people visited. I don't know.
May be they just came and read the articles. But they did not leave their foot prints.
I think that I should put this in a web site. So that it attracts more viewing.
After one year, what did I achieve. I am not sure.
May be I have succeeded in putting thoughts in black and white. That is one of the things.
Another thing is that it helped me to think in a focused manner. My thoughts are not wandering much nowadays.
The funniest thing is I get many good ideas when I am in the bathroom, either during my shaving ritual or during my shower time. By the time I come out, I am driven to other
most urgent things of the day, and when I sit down before the computer later in the day, I completely forgot about the great ideas I had in the morning.
This happened many time.
So there fore I should put a stop to this nonsense.
I have started using this blog like dairy, which is not very good.
I wish to use this blog as a platform where I can put forward more quality thinking.
No more mundane stuff.
OK. Let me try..
see ya!
17/10/2007 - 23.24
Hooray!...I can celebrate. But I am not very happy.
I am able to keep this going. But how many people visited. I don't know.
May be they just came and read the articles. But they did not leave their foot prints.
I think that I should put this in a web site. So that it attracts more viewing.
After one year, what did I achieve. I am not sure.
May be I have succeeded in putting thoughts in black and white. That is one of the things.
Another thing is that it helped me to think in a focused manner. My thoughts are not wandering much nowadays.
The funniest thing is I get many good ideas when I am in the bathroom, either during my shaving ritual or during my shower time. By the time I come out, I am driven to other
most urgent things of the day, and when I sit down before the computer later in the day, I completely forgot about the great ideas I had in the morning.
This happened many time.
So there fore I should put a stop to this nonsense.
I have started using this blog like dairy, which is not very good.
I wish to use this blog as a platform where I can put forward more quality thinking.
No more mundane stuff.
OK. Let me try..
see ya!
17/10/2007 - 23.24
“May be I have succeeded in putting thoughts in black and white. That is one of the things.”
You could also try blue and white maybe orange and green :)
“The funniest thing is I get many good ideas when I am in the bathroom, either during my shaving ritual or during my shower time. By the time I come out, I am driven to other
most urgent things of the day, and when I sit down before the computer later in the day, I completely forgot about the great ideas I had in the morning.”
Bring your laptop into the bathroom, and type and shave.
by the way if you like free hosting you know where to contact me :)
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