Monday, May 26, 2014


It is very strange but not surprising to note that in the recent years there is great changes happening among the common man of the many democratic countries.

Of course, we can monitor the changes in the mood of the people only among the democratic countries since the countries of other format usually does not provide the opportunities to measure the mood of the people.

The latest news being the results we saw in UK and France, where the voters turned to right in a big margin.

We all know that in the recent General Elections  India with its mammoth population has finally come out FULLY out of the clutches of the one family controlled “Secular” CONGRESS PARTY.

The Indian case is unique.  

The rise of the right was primarily attributed to the inaction of the “Secular” Congress Party, which indulged in such a monumental scams which the country has never seen in its entire history. 

Apart from the scams the Congress Government failed in its basic rule of keeping the common man happy by having control on the prices.  Instead, it started siding with the neo-rich and industries under the pretext that it is promoting industries which will eventually help the poor by offering employment. But the results of this stand did not bear fruit and the poor were not benefited from any of these industries which catered to the need of the rich only.

One of the main feature in this electoral debacle of Congress party is that they have been let down by the Southern States which usually stand by this party on all occasions. Even in 1977 when congress was wiped out in the North, the South held its loyalty to this family controlled party.

However, this time, Congress has been completely wiped out in all the four southern states barring few seats. 
In Tamil nadu, the party has lost all the seats it contended and it even lost the deposit in 95% of the seats.  It came fourth or fifth in all the constituencies. This is a direct result of its policies, which ignored the sentiment and feelings of this Tamil speaking people who felt alienated. Congress stand of supporting the Sirlankan Government in its war against Tamils is not gone down well here. It is a world wide knowledge that Mrs. Sonia stood by Rajapakshe – President of Srilanka when he went on to perpetrate a genocide by killing around 140000 tamils during  the  internal strife.

Congress government felt that it does not have to explain its stand to the People of Tamilnadu  and its arrogance has paid dearly during the recent election.

Even otherwise, its over all performance as Central Government of a federation is always mired with controversies. Its handling of situation like Mao’s insurgence in the Eastern India is messy.

The government was jumping from one scam to another bigger scam day after day after day. You name the industry, they had scam in that. The worst part is that the Government openly supported the scammers till the last moment.

This kind of actions or inactions disillusioned the public. Public were able to compare the development of China in the same tenure, made things worse and exposed how the Congress has spectacularly missed the bus for development by messing the opportunity offered by the world.

Apart from this, the Congress party was let down by its inapt leadership by both Sonia and her son Rahul. Both could not connect to the people as their predecessors like Indira and Rajiv.

On top of everything, only this time, the opposition party BJP was able to project a leader who had some track record of delivering and who is good in connecting to the common man. He being the former “Chai wala “ Tea Boy, was able to speak for the people, which went down well  with the common man.

Apart from all these things, the majority Hindu people felt in their hearts that they are getting a raw deal when the government is dealing with the other religions.  Even though this kind of displeasure was prevalent among certain population, It grew during the last 10 years, when the terrorist activities were on the rise and the government  did not had any clue about how to react to these issues. 

At the same time, the left parties were either disintegrated or no other credible alternative emerged. Many regional parties mired by the ills of castism and favouritism.

This paved the way for the rise of the right in India.


However, in UK /France the rise of the right and the nationalist forces is purely due to
two major issues. 

1.  1. All pervading, most expensive, inapt and hugely expensive autocratic EU in Brussels.

         2  Huge migration of the people from countries like Romania, Bulgaria and other Former Eastern Block countries on a single agenda of economic migration. Even though

The parties like Liberal Democrats, Labour and Tories in UK continued to claim that the migrants contributed to the society and the economy, it did not cut ice and the local population who felt that their opportunities are being stolen by new economic migrants.


Both these issues are inter-connected. 

It was due to the EU the boarders were thrown open and the economic migrants were able to come to country like UK where the enjoyed big social benefits with out putting out much.  This migration of people in huge numbers puts lots of financial strain on the country like UK, where it was forced to shell more money on the infrastructures in local facilities like housing, schools and Health services.  

To add to woe the recent Economic down turn contributed its own bitter medicine to the countries like UK/France and reminded them they did not have unending financial resources to face this kind of challenges.

Cuts were made in many fronts.

Jobs were lost.  
Pension funds were disappearing. 
Unemployment rose.   

The result was bitter discontentment and dissolution.

Even though in the recent time, UK started coming out of Grand Recession, the results was not very impressive.  What ever the benefits of growth, it was swallowed up by the demands of sudden rise of the migrant population in many counties. In France, the recovery did not happen at all.

Apart from these economic reasons, the European people in general and people  of UK /France/Denmark /Netherlands in particular started feeling that they are getting a raw deal due to their tolerance towards other religion and cultures.  At present, they feel that their voice is throttled by the neo-liberals who, they feel stand for the perpetrator instead of Victims.  

People in most of the European Counties feel and fear that they are being over run by the extremist religious zealots like Abu Hamza, who fought against the extradition to US for 12 long years under the liberal EU Laws. He was finally sent to US where he was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.  In US, life means entire life.  He could not be convicted in UK due to the lax and liberal EU laws.  This is only an example. 

These kind of fears could not be alleviated by the regular centrist parties.  These parties really underestimated the rebellious mood and discontent of the people.

But parties like UKIP in UK and National Front in France took this opportunity as god sent one and prospered by addressing these issues. 

They squarely blamed EUROPEAN UNION for all these ills and promised to pull their respective countries out of EU. Will it work?  NOBODY KNOWS.

But the people wanted some answers and direction, whether it right or wrong.

While the popular parties dithered in answering these disturbing questions, the Right wingers like UKIP answered what the common man wanted to hear.

So the Right has risen.

 In general we see that the common man has finally started retaliating against the pacifist reactions of their governments in respective countries  towards the general ills like uncontrolled immigration, rising terrorism in general and Islamic terrorism in particular, uncontrolled corruption, Central Bureaucracy like EU duty / Council which were very much disconnected from the ground level realities.

Is it a right way to go?

I don’t know.

However, it goes on to prove that if people are pushed beyond certain point the result will be unprecedented and some may even be very disturbing. 



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